Submit Abstract

Note: the closing date for submissions is 30th August 2024

Important information – please read carefully before submitting your abstract

The Autumn IAD has 2 abstract submission pathways.

  1. The Rogers prize (clinical research) 250 word limit.
    Rogers Prize – Please ensure your abstract is clinical research only
  2. Case Presentations (clinical case/case series) 250 word limit.
    Case Presentations, Dr Olivia Dolan Clinical prize - Please ensure your abstract is clinical case/case series only

The Rogers prize is awarded to the best oral presentation of clinical research. Abstracts submitted for the Rogers prize should include a statement outlining the aim of the study , the methods used , a factual summary of results and a conclusion including the clinical relevance of the research. Any abstracts that do not conform to this may be rejected by the scientific committee after the abstract submission deadline. Submitters please note that the Scientific Committee may receive more abstracts than can be accommodated and your understanding is appreciated. Please also note that, if successful, each individual presenter will only be allowed to present a maximum of 2 oral presentations at any one meeting.

Case Presentation (Clinical case/case series). Successful abstracts submitted for the case presentation competition will be selected for oral presentation. Clinical research should not be submitted using this pathway.

There is scope for a small number of poster presentations at the autumn meeting. Please indicate when submitting your abstract for either of the above pathways, if you wish for your abstract, to be considered for poster presentation if not selected for oral presentation.

Late submissions after the deadline will not be considered.

Enter details of the abstract below. Please note that there is a 250 word limit on the abstract.

Mandatory fields are denoted by *

Your details
First author

Do you wish to have a rejected oral presentation considered for poster presentation?

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