The Scientific Committee
At the autumn business meeting held in Killiney 2005 it was agreed that a scientific committee be formed. The membership should include a member from the South and one from the North. Their term of office should be 3 years. In addition a member of the executive shall be nominated as a member of the scientific committee.
At the executive meeting held on Dec 12th 2006, Dr Art O’Hagan and Dr Brian Kirby were elected. Dr Kirby to act as the convenor of the scientific committee and Dr Gillian Murphy was proposed as the executive member.
Since then the following Consultants have also been members of the scientific committee: Dr Kevin McKenna (Chair), Dr Rosemarie Watson (executive member), Dr Paul Collins and Dr John Bourke (Chair).
In January 2014 it was decided to extend membership of the committee to 6 members.
The current members of the scientific committee are as follows: Dr Ronan Brennan, Dr Siobhán McCarthy, Dr Collette McCourt, Dr Kevin Molloy (Chair) and Dr Eilis Nic Dhonncha. Trainee reps, Dr Aoife Daly and Dr Amy Ridge
Following Incorporation, the Chair of the scientific committee will continue to act as the link with the Board of Directors providing regular reports and attending board meetings on an ad hoc basis.
Role of the scientific committee;
- To assist and advise the Board of Directors on themes and guest speakers for future meetings.
- Review and selection of abstracts submitted for the Spring and Autumn meetings. Selection of cases for presentation at the Autumn CPC session and for any other IAD scientific/ CPC meetings which may take place from time to time
- Originally available as an abstract Word template on the IAD website, in 2014/2015 the abstract submission process was redeveloped to create an online process. This pathway will be available here (hyperlink) during open calls. Reminders and links will also be sent for all those who are members of the IAD or registered on the abstract submission portal. The pathway will be launched for the Autumn 2015 meeting of the IAD.
- The committee will make decisions regarding the number of abstracts accepted as oral/poster presentations. They shall inform the applicants of the outcome, give due instructions regarding presentation and be responsible for appointing adjudicators. The Hon. Secretary shall communicate with the scientific committee in relation to the timing and finalising of the overall program.
- Should the scientific committee have any suggestions regarding change in procedure in relation to the running of the scientific sessions they should bring their suggestions to the Board of Directors.
IAD Prizes and Awards
- Burrows Cup - Awarded for the best Oral Presentation at the Spring Meeting (€1000), specifically for scientific research. 2nd Prize (€500).
- Rogers Plate - Awarded for the best Oral Presentation at the Autumn Meeting, Specifically for clinical research. 1st Prize (€750), 2nd Prize (€300)
- Cases - Awarded for the best Oral Presentation at the Autumn Meeting, Specifically for clinical cases. (€250)
- Poster Prize - Awarded for best Poster Presentation at the Spring Meeting (€500).
Travel Scholarships
- AAD Annual Meeting Registration Scholarships. Call for applications Mid-June, successful applicants notified Mid- August. Applications submitted by email to the Honorary Secretary. Two scholarships available each year for trainee members.
- IAD Travel Fellowships. Application form on website. Closing date 30th November . All trainee members and consultants within 5 years of appointment are eligible to apply. Four scholarships @ €1,000 available each year.