AAD scholarships

Catherine Foley Dmitri Wall

AAD scholarships awarded to Dr Catherine Foley and Dr Dmitri Wall to attend 2016 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology, March 4-8, 2016, Washington, D.C.

American Academy of Dermatologists

Registration Scholarship Program

For several years, the American Academy of Dermatology has sponsored a free registration program in the interest of furthering the relationships of the Academy with dermatologists and dermatological societies throughout the world.  The program, which is administered by the Academy’s International Affairs Committee, is designed to give young dermatologists from other countries an opportunity to attend the Annual Meeting of the Academy. 

The two selected individuals from each society will also be provided with complimentary tuition to a one or two-day postgraduate course of their choice (subject to availability of space in the course).  These scholarships are available only to those individuals who have not received a previous registration scholarship from this program.  The Academy will provide grants for $1,000 to each of these physicians.  The checks will be distributed at the International Scholarship Dinner Reception

Applicants must be fully paid up Trainee members of the IAD.  The closing date for receipt of applications is mid-August annually

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